School-Based Services

School-Based Services

Accelerate the impact of your curriculum on student’s academic and social-emotional learning.

Our Approach

Adventure-based learning is a vibrant addition to your school’s programming.  Adventures- whether in nature, on the challenge course, in a classroom, or in our personal lives-build resilience, interpersonal connection, collaborative skills, and self-efficacy. It’s experiential and active. It fosters growth through real experiences and can be differentiated for all ages.

AE can support your SEL programming through staff training, curriculum, consulting, and student programming.

To learn more about our approach keep reading, or contact us about our services.

Education Today

“The positive data just released from the report, ‘Global, Social and Emotional Learning Market Report’, is indisputable. The effect of SEL programming on the K-12 population is significantly positive across academics, but it’s focus on social and economic development is what’s making the difference.’ 

Bringing adventure into the classroom and outdoors too is a cost-effective, inexpensive method for accelerating the positive effects. The Covid-19 mental health challenges are well-known, yet educators and administrators struggle to fund (in money and time) efforts to integrate it into their curriculum. Environment and simple programming adjustments can make a dramatic difference. And, quickly.

Professional Development

We have developed a professional development program, including tactics and strategies, to train teachers to utilize team-building activities, combined with adventure. Teachers receive hands-on, guided training including Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, and Responsible Decision-Making. Particularly during those first few weeks, students are both eager and anxious and they crave connection. Supplementing an existing curriculum, without disruption or requiring changes, we have found creates a safe environment and easy, understandable way for students to begin to sense independence and control in their learning. The use of icebreakers, a variety of challenging yet fun games, creating challenges and conflict, and facilitation techniques for teachers, builds new skills and imbues confidence.


We use a variety of tools to deeply engage and embed new behaviors and new learnings for teams to thrive. Escape rooms, scavenger hunts, custom-designed games, outdoor adventures such as hiking, kayaking and rock climbing, are all designed based on group size, goals, needs and setting. We facilitate these activities at client locations, or any event center. We include an initial design meetings, planning, including equipment, staff, setup, clean up and a review meeting. You can also choose from our preferred partners list, if that suits the event’s needs for a guaranteed excellent experience. 

Half and full day experiences combine Icebreakers with one of our initiative simulators in order to are a great way to play together and meet specifically targeted goals of your group. Adventure Explorations offers a unique workplace friendly experience that is sure to get your team more comfortable with each other.

Absolutely! We adapt all our experiences to our clients and teambuilding is no different. Our team will be sure to create an experience that is suitable for your groups age, ability, attention span, time and budget.

School-Based programs are headed by one of Adventure Explorations founders. Click here to learn more about them.